Find out the 3 Main Reasons a Relationship Dies
Relationships start off so beautifully and full of love and passion. You always want to be together, share anything and everything and just cannot seem to get enough of each other. This feeling is so amazing and strong; it just has to last forever, right? Not always!
Even the most loving, strong and passionate relationships can die and fizzle if certain problems arise and are not addressed with the attention, effort and care necessary in order to keep things healthy.
Here are the Top 3 Reasons Good Relationships Die:
1. No Space- It is very normal to want to be together all the time, especially when you first fall in love and your relationship is new- and it is perfectly okay to enjoy this. However, it is also important that you still do things without each other. Keep your individual social circles and make an effort to still do things with your friends sometimes, without each other. Maintaining your individual lives will help keep your relationship healthy, because you will have that healthy balance.
2. Too Much Jealousy- While it would be better not to have any jealousy in a relationship at all, it is also normal for one or both partners to feel a little jealousy. A little can even be cute and flattering- but there is a limit. An over jealous partner brings a lot of stress into the relationship and before you know it, you are constantly walking on eggshells to keep your partner feeling secure and not jealous. Jealousy will rip your relationship apart if it becomes the center of things.
3. Secrecy- Everyone is entitled to privacy, but too much secrecy in a relationship will kill it real quick! Secrecy leads to paranoia and distrust between you and your partner and instead of enjoying your relationship together, you both will shift all your focus on trying to find skeletons in each other’s closet.
Is your Relationship suffering from any of these? If your partner has been asking for space, has been acting too jealous, you are feeling overly jealous or if you believe there are secrets that could hurt the relationship you have with your love, our Psychics can help! Sign up for a Spell today and our expert Psychics will cast a spell to help your relationship get back on track and become a stronger, healthier and even more passionate romantic connection!