There is an interesting history to Tarot readings and these only serve to make the whole subject more fascinating. These readings can tell you so much about yourself and your life.
Alliette, a French occultist who reversed his name to Etteilla, worked as a seer and diviner before the French Revolution. He designed the first mysterious Tarot card reading deck, adding astrological attributes and Egyptian motifs to several of the cards. This was to have a more inclusive symbolism for a Tarot reading of the cards. Although Etteilla created one of the first decks Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Le Normandy popularized divination and prophesy during Napoleon’s reign.
Eliphas Levi is considered to be the true father of schools of Tarot. He wrote a book in French, Transcendental Magic and interpreted the cards, relating them to Quabala. Arthur Edward Waite, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, published the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, which went on to include more symbolism in the cards, including the Quabala and the four elements of alchemy.
Carl Jung was the first to relate the Tarot cards to psychology. Recently there has been a Dr.Timothy Leary to write a full book of Tarot cards, “The Game of Life,” which demonstrate the developmental human as Tarot. This is not, however, what is tarot reading.
Each card has a meaning in the deck and different people may amass different meanings to the card. The symbolic meanings can range from astrological attributions that indicate timings in the year to signifying certain people in a Tarot reading while the suit can provide a hint about that person’s physical or emotional connections to the reader at hand. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck has a book, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, written to help the reader interpret the symbols in the cards.
The tarot reading is often begun by the subject shuffling the deck and laying out cards in a variety of patterns, often called spreads. These cards drawn by the subject are important as they tell facts about the subject’s life story. They are then interpreted by the reader, the symbolism filling in gaps about the subjects life, including the subjects thoughts and desires about past, future, and present events.
The three card spread is for simple readings and they are several other spreads, such as the Celtic Cross, the English spread, and the astrological spread. Reversed cards are often thought to have the opposite meaning as their upright counterparts. Some card readers interpret them as a more intense version of the card at hand. This Tarot card reading is sometimes called cartomancy.
An example reading of the cards could be postulated: drawing the Emperor, the Chariot, and the Devil. The person has a strong man presence in their life. They feel a need to get out, to speed away from their problems. And one of their problems is that they feel bad and guilty, like they are the Devil.
Another example would be if they drew the Magician, the Tower, and the Hanged Man. This could signify in someone’s work relationship that they feel powerful and strong. The Tower can also symbolize the phallus symbol: as referenced earlier, the psychology field isn’t too different from the psychic. There could be sexual tension in the relationship. Then the Hanged Man can represent to that person how thatrelationship will turn out. They will have bad luck with their job situation.
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Sources for more information
“Tarot Reading” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia Jan. <>
“What is the Tarot?” The Psychic Internet Jan. <>