Psychics and Mediums
Psychics and mediums are closely related to each other or one can say the psychics themselves are the medium through which we can connect to the unknown. They are the individuals who claim to have the pass to the supernatural world.
You might have heard the word psychic medium in one got, but the word can be considered as a compound of two words psychic and medium. There has been a discussion on what these words have in common and what not. Let us now see what are the similarities and dissimilarities between a psychic and a medium.
Parapsychology is a mesmerizing field full of unknown psychic treasures and abilities. It has it all from ghosts to future reading, from past regression to telepathy, from remote viewing to extra sensory perception. Some of the psychics who act as an intermediately source between the subject and the supernatural unknown energy are known as mediums. These mediums are there to allow a communication between the subject and the heavenly energy. They can understand both of them and hence are sometimes referred to as mediums by general public.
There is special power in every psychic person you will find and it is known as the sixth sense. With such a gift of god these psychics can easily communicate with the unknown energies around us in the world. They have in turn another identity then just being a human being and that is the identity of a medium, a psychic path between the two worlds, the normal world and the supernatural world. A psychic medium has the ability to incorporate who we are and how we relate to the world around us. They are gifted with extra powers and perceptions, a ‘sixth sense’ that enable them to communicate within a different plane.
Psychics and mediums are thus the same things if taken into a broader context. Every psychic is actually acting as a medium and helping us understand the different world. This can be the world of souls around us, or the future that we have yet to se or even may be the past which we have forgotten. Thus a psychic is a medium.
But as there always some rotten apples in a bag full of apples there are also psychics who are not mediums, actually they are not even psychics. They are cheaters who take advantage of the circumstances and divert your mind for money. They themselves are having no knowledge about the psychic abilities but have found a way to trick others. You must stay away from them as it can get worse if you follow them.
Thus it is a matter of fact that psychics do appear as mediums and mediums do appear as psychics. Both are one and the see thing. The most important thing is that you get connected to the supernatural space which was alien to you earlier. Thus if you have any psychic fantasy then these psychics mediums can help you.