Are you a psychic, going crazy, have a very active imagination or are you just a victim of repeated coincidences? “Psychic” is a Greek word that loosely means “of the soul”.
Hearing Voices Let’s clarify, if you are hearing auditory “voices in your head”, it is best to first seek medical attention, before you continue reading this article. But, if you have prophetic dreams, have seen or heard (non-threatening) apparitions, and experience a great deal of deja vu (feelings that you have experienced a certain situation before) – there is a good chance that you have sharp psychic intuition.
If you have found yourself in an “out of body” experience (such as watching yourself do something), it is usually a positive sign, and you might want to study and practice other psychic skills.
Your dreams may also be a strong indicator of your psychic abilities. The dreams that a true psychic experiences, are as a rule, easily recalled (once they awaken) in detail, and usually come true (a vision of future events). A lucid dream is when you are aware that you are dreaming, but also that you are submerged in the moment, and have total control of the situation, unlike when many people dream that they feel, they are watching a motion picture.
Perhaps, you touch a person or an object, and have a strong feeling, or receive an image about the person or object that you had not been aware of previously. This, too, is an indicator of your psychic abilities.
If you have communicated with the dead, believe in God (Higher Spiritual Power), and have a strong belief that there is another realm that souls can exist, the chances are very good that you possess psychic abilities.
There are a few things to do and practice to hone in your psychic abilities, such as:
- Make a notation whenever someone says, “Wow! It was like you read my mind”, or a similar type of exclamation confirming your highly intuitive skills.
- Open your mind to experiences that are not visible to the naked eye.
- Take notice of everything around you, every detail of ordinary things you may otherwise take for granted.
- Practice meditation, as this daily ritual will strengthen your psychic abilities by allowing your mind and body to relax, and continually keep your connection to the spiritual world. It is best to take time in the morning, before your mind gets cluttered with the day’s events, to be quiet, and open your mind to the possibility of receiving and understanding any outside communications (from the spirit world).
- Free-flow writing is a tool that is used to help an individual find patterns in their psychic abilities. Just write down whatever comes to your mind, don’t edit or judge what you have written, as the “messages” received may not always be easy to decipher, but over time, you will see a pattern develop.
- It is important to keep a written tally of when you predict future events, don’t forsake even the tiniest coincidences or hunches.
- Practice and education is an important aspect of being an accurate psychic. Abilities must be strengthened through experience and training.
- Many psychics are physically sensitive to spiritual energy. They may experience migraines (severe headaches), unexplained fluctuation in energy levels or perhaps experience intestinal issues. Once a medical doctor has ruled out any medical causes, it may be a link to psychic energy.
Once you have confirmed that you possess psychic abilities, it is vital that you continually nurture these talents and abilities by practicing psychic exercises, reading all you can on the topic; attending classes and testing your abilities every day.