What are psychic abilities?
Individuals that are blessed with extra sensitivity perception don’t fit into a “one size fits all” mold. There is a wide variety of psychic abilities. Let’s take a closer view of some abilities that a psychic may possess.
1. AURA READING means gaining information by examining or “reading” the energy field that surrounds every person, place or thing.
2. AUTOMATIC WRITING is a psychic ability that possesses a person to write information (from the spirit world) without conscience thought of what they are writing.
3. CLAIRAUDIENCE is a form of “channeling” or tuning into a different realm.
4. DEATH WARNING is when a psychic foresees the impending death of another individual.
5. DOWSING is the ability to know where a lost or stolen item is currently located. Individuals with this psychic ability usually assist with law enforcement officials in solving criminal activity.
6. MEDIUMSHIP is when a psychic can commune with the dead, and passes along information to living individuals to provide peace, comfort and/or vital data.
7. The ability of PREMONITION is to receive information about an individual or world event before they happen. These visions can come in a flash or when a psychic is dreaming.
Similar to any organ of our body system, psychic abilities and astute intuition needs to be used and exercised. Some important tips include: daily mediation and relaxation techniques; keeping your physical body in tip top shape; investing in some classes and seminars to learn more about your abilities, and fine tuning your skills; keeping a dream journal is helpful for reference (as many people forget dreams shortly after waking up). Also, it is most important to trust your instincts.
Perseverance and practice are the vital keys to sharpening your gift of psychic abilities.
Other types of psychic abilities include:
1. Knowing who is calling without checking caller ID
2. Having an awareness when a loved one is in trouble
3. Speaking and understanding animal’s needs.
4. Hearing and/or seeing a person that has died, and has left their earthy body.
5. Detecting lies (or partial truths )from a person.
6. Feeling uneasy about a catastrophic event, and knowing that it will happen before it does.
7. Visualizing the future and past simultaneously.
If you are someone who focuses on tones and sounds, you may possess an auditory perspective ability, clairaudience and/or “hearing” things that are from the spiritual world.
Clairsentience is noted to be one of the easiest psychic abilities to develop when you are in tuned into the feelings beyond the basic five senses.