Paranormal is a very common term which explains the unusual behavior that is not backed up by any scientific explanation or such activities that is unexplainable by all scientific researches which have done so far.
Many stories about paranormal activities can be seen in folklore and popular culture. Here it is also very important to mention that scientific researchers also prove that these activities can be explained through scientific research. And for that reason a research center in USA named “United States National Science Foundation” proves that it is wrong that scientific research doesn’t support paranormal activities.
So far many researches have been made on this topic but it is difficult to tell what their consequences are because most people don’t believe in the physical presence of paranormal phenomena. There are different types of researchers who research on this topic. Some of them research based on the belief that whether people have a belief in these things or not, they use different techniques such as skeptical investigation, anecdotal, survey approach and experimental and observations of the participating persons.
There are different types of paranormal activities and any type of this activity can be seen in any paranoiac person. It may be telepathy, psycho kinesis, extra sensor perception, haunting and ghosts. Nowadays it also includes undetermined flying objects (UFO’s), everything that comes under crypto zoology and all phenomenal activities that every one has to face in Bermuda triangle.
Most believers have the belief that ghosts are mostly souls or spirits of a dead person, especially a person who died in an unnatural way like, accident or murder. There are some other thoughts that are very common in this perspective, and according to that thought it is also possible that ghosts might be spirit of some dead animals. The word ghost is usually used as a synonym of a demon or spirit. However, it is most common that the term ghost is mostly used for the spirit dead persons.
In these beliefs, a ghost is very closely related to soul or spirit, is just like animism, which is an old belief and according to it, a soul is a characteristic of every living thing in this world. This concept has been verified by scientific research by James Frazer. He explained in his work, named as The Golden Bough, that the soul is present internally in the body of every living object. It was presumed in early days that the human soul is like an animal or like a bird, but according to Frazer’s explanation the soul of a human is just like him/her self.
It is also believed that a ghost is made up of mist, subtle material or airy. It was also believed that ghosts are present in every human with breath and in cold days it will become visible within the breath form of mist.
Scientists have made many researches about the non-paranormal explanation of ghost but still this is unresolved due to the large number evidences present all around.
Unidentified flying objects (UFO’s):
Keep in mind that it is not the discussion on whether there is any life present elsewhere in this solar system , because scientists have proved that some unicellular animals are present in this solar system like on mars they have seen the meteors that usually came to earth. There are many scientific centers which are researching on this topic on whether life exists on other planets like earth or not. The way earth was made, according to the scientific research, it is quiet possible that there exists life on other planet like earth. This view is strengthening by the activities of UFO’s in different parts of this world.
Believers have been divided into two groups on this paranormal activity. The first group of behaviors thought that it is an unexplainable phenomenon and it requires a serious study to expose this behavior.
And according to the second group of believers, these things are parts of this world and there are some planets in this universe where life exists just like our earth. These persons are paranoiacs or enthusiasts of occultism.
Bermuda triangle:
It is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean in which many airlines, surface vessels and aircrafts have disappeared. There is no any scientific reason behind it that can give a reason for those paramonic activities. It falls beyond the human perception and nobody knows about this mystery. Some scientists thought that it may be due to some laws of physics.
Tele means “distant” and patheia means “affected by”. Telepathy means the exchange of information on feelings or thoughts between different individuals not by the means of the normal five senses, but by the help of some extra sense which is usually absent in normal persons.
Scientific research is unable to explain the reason behind it, so it is a paranormal activity which has no scientific basis.