Karma is energy, and how you act and approach life will affect the karma that surrounds you. So what about getting rid of bad karma. For example, a person that has more negative karma will have a lot of resentment towards people and situations. It is important to reverse bad karma, and create an environment that will attract good luck and draw positivity in your life.
Karma is described as the effects of your actions, and there are some specific steps you can take to remove and get rid of bad karma.
First of all to get rid of bad karma, you need to examine your life and the opportunities you missed to do something kind, or when you may have taken advantage of a situation to benefit yourself. Repent of your past negative behavior and vow to live a better, cleaner and more generous lifestyle.
It may not be easy, and in many cases it may be enough, but learn to say “I’m sorry”, with an honest and humble heart. Remember, that you do not have the power to change another person or their feelings toward you, but by asking for forgiveness is a huge step in eliminating bad karma that may be holding you down in achieving your full potential.
After you have conducted a thorough self-examination, recognize your faults and negative actions, and then it is much easier to begin your journey on the road to get rid of bad karma. Take action, in small and big ways, to better yourself and help your fellow man. Practice the skill of conducting random acts of kindness to people you know, and also to strangers.
Tip the scale. It has been likened that bad karma is like a teaspoon of salt. In a 6 oz. glass of water, a teaspoon of salt will make it undrinkable, but in an ocean – the same teaspoon of salt is undetectable.
Have a grateful and thankful heart, as this will open the door for good things to come your way. Keep a daily journal of all the things you are grateful for, try not to repeat anything on your list, but try to expand it. It can be as significant as your health and family, or as simple as a day filled with sunshine or seeing a butterfly.
Stop taking negative criticism to heart, this negativity will keep you in a constant state of worry about what other people may or may not think of you. It is important to have positive people in your life, individuals that will lift you up and encourage you. If your balance of friends lean more towards the negative, then it is time to re-examine the situation, and start to take action to make new, more positive-minded friends.
Positive! If you want good, mentally healthy, positive friends, then this is the type of attitude you must also have. You want people to disregard your minor faults, so you must not focus on theirs – it is important to remember that humans are fragile, and we tend to make selfish choices. The saying “walk a mile in my shoes” is helpful to remember, and to keep many people humble minded.
Practice your communication skills, and don’t look to start fights or arguments with others.
It does not make you selfish to set healthy boundaries, and not allow yourself to be a “doormat” to someone else’s agenda. There is no reason to hate, be negative or yell at others – it is possible to maintain your personal boundaries, while communicating your needs and desires through friendly and clear communications.
While there is no easy way of getting rid of bad karma, seeking the advice of a person that is skilled in spiritual work may also help.