What is Feng Shui
Feng shui has its roots in ancient China as early as 4000 years ago. The world of Feng Shui is a combination of ancient Chinese mathematics, interior design, architecture and simple rules of good housekeeping. It is a popular practice that is being applied to home and work places in order to create a balanced environment. Feng means wind and Shui means water. These two principal gifts of nature, air and water are the two containers for Qi. (a kind of life force or spiritual energy) which are the basis of Feng Shui.
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Chinese believe that natural energy can be utilized to its fullest by proper arrangement of things in homes and also by correct establishment of houses and buildings. Feng shui aims at balancing the energy in the environment, both natural and structural. The energy or chi, which the Japanese call as Ki possibly the equivalent of what the Indians call as Prana, flows through our home and office and affects all aspects of our life.
Positive effects of the energies are obtained by placing the articles systematically at correct locations. With the help of Feng Shui, energy can be activated and deactivated as desired and it is that art with the help of which nature can be made more favorable and beneficial. Presently Feng Shuis application is gaining momentum all over the world not only in houses but also in factories, schools, hospitals, offices etc.
Chi is a word in Chinese which has no appropriate English translation and is identified with several meanings vapor, cosmic energy, breath, and life force. The Feng Shui strives to make the chi gently flow throughout the whole atmosphere. Chi transmits in human body also with the seven centralized points called chakras with fourteen paths which are responsible to transmit this energy. These paths are called Meridians.
Chi is of two types,
Sheng Chi is a positive energy and a place filled with this energy is full of freshness, cheerfulness and peace. Natural features like forest, mountains, rivers, ocean, snow etc, are all filled with energy. Sheng Chi is the root cause of any form of happiness or pleasure.
Sha Chi is a negative energy, a deserted, dilapidated and dreadful place generates huge amount of Sha Chi energy. Sha Chi energy is found in cracks, holes, pointed corners and angles and broken window panes. A place filled with this energy might cause exhaustion, restlessness and depression.
Whatever the energy form the body absorb this energy quickly and convert it into activities like thinking, breathing, working, movement of muscles, complaining etc. same energy exist within and without you and is filled in this whole atmosphere. According to the energy you intake your attitude and mood keeps changing.
In feng shui main entrance, doors, windows and ventilators of drawing room, bedroom, and kitchen are considered for survey.
Direction of sitting or sleeping in these rooms is also decided accordingly. Decorative articles, show pieces, mirror, plants, furniture and colours of rooms are also important for feng shui. Effective arrangement of external factors like garden, trees, ponds, fountains etc are also very important in striking a balance of energys that effect mans day to day life at home and at work place
Does feng shui affect the way we live and interact? Has it been proved scientifically? Research is still going on to find the effects on this art form on our daily lives. But as the suggestions offered are practical there is nothing wrong in trying these methods. After all it only helps us to create a clean and tidy environment and all we need to do is place every article in the place told by the feng shui advisors. Whatever it is it is worth the try. We stand to loose nothing in this. In fact we are able to at least imbibe some knowledge on the elements which play havoc in our lives. Feng shui consultants are everywhere and finding a genuine consultant is very imperative.