Tarot Explained
Tarot is a group of 21 cards which were earlier used for playing but nowadays are used in modern psychic practice called the tarot card reading.
You must have played cards in your life. We are not talking about simple playing cards. Here we are talking about the famous tarot cards. These cards are much significant in their origin and utility then the normal deck of playing cards. Let us now take a look at what tarot and the related cards stand for.
Tarot is a deck of cards, 78 in number. These cards were used for playing number of games.
Apart from games there are a number of metaphysical viewpoint and practices that are attached to the different use and consideration of the deck.
The exact definition of the word tarot is still ambiguous. It is generally claimed that no one knows with certainty what the name Tarot means even some claim it to be playing cards deck. The most important thing to remember is that the word tarot originated from the Trionfi which is synonymous to Triumphs or trumpsin italy and referred specifically to the twenty-two trump cards added to the already existing standard playing-card deck of fifty-six cards. This makes the total as seventy eight cards.
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Earlier Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play Tarot card games. This game of tarot was less popular in west and there this game was largely mysterious, they used tarot cards primarily for divinatory purposes.
Tarot was invented as a card game in the early-mid 15th century most probably by the graciousness of north Italian population. After almost two centuries, in the year 1781, a Swiss born philosopher wrote certain essays about the basis for all future development of occult Tarot. Since then the tarot cards were used as a symbol of divination and future predictions. The people who are indulged in such
divinations are known as tarot card readers. Previous to this time slight public discussion had occurred concerning the use of Tarot for divination. It was the writing on the wall that tarot predictions will cover the world one day and the same did happen later and is still happening all around the globe.
Tarot cards existed in variety of styles. One of the most important designs is the Tarot de Marseilles
which was the European standard pattern. The tarot cards based on this style are also termed as Le Monde primitive. Other provincial styles include the Swiss Tarot cards and the Minchiate deck of tarot cards which composed of 96 cards and include astrological symbols and the four elements.
One of the most significant decks in western countries is the Rider-Waite deck sometimes called merely the Rider deck. This card had specific images that were drawn by artist Pamela Colman-Smith on the orders of Christian mystic and occultist Arthur Edward Waite. It was one of the most simple, user-friendly cards. The best part was its imagery and design.
Frequent other decks that are slackly based on Rider-Waite have been available from the mid-20th century through today.