Zodiac Sign Cancer
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and derives its name from the Latin word Cancer meaning Crab. People born between June 22nd and July 22nd come under the influence of this sign. There are various prevalent theories to the origination of the symbol. Many say that it symbolizes the breast, and represents the inherent nurturing characteristics of the sign. The sign is known as the Sign of the Prophet or teacher and it is negative in polarity. Cancer is negative in polarity and hence there is a tendency for people born under this sign to show traits of introversion. Cancer is the ruler of the fourth sign of the Zodiac and it is commonly referred to as the sign of House of Family and Home. If you would like to receive a Psychic Reading, please go here.
The opposite sign to Cancer is Capricorn. Capricorn can help
Cancer derive the proper perspective out of life. Kindness, love and displaying emotion are the positive traits of this sign. The negatives of the sign are over-emotional, untidy, touchy and changeable. People under the influence of the sign would be interested in pursuing their hobbies, would love to party and romance, and would generally show affection for their country, home and children. The dislikes of the crab include failures, opposition, aggravating situations and being advised. The birthstone of the crab is Moonstone. The colors favorable to Cancer are Silver, White and Sea Green. The numbers two, three and seven are lucky for the sign and Monday is the day of the Cancer. The Gemstones which will influence the sign are Ruby, Moonstone and Pearl. Silver is
the metal associated with the sign.
There are different character traits associated with the sign. People under the influence of the Crab are known to fall into a deep depression but it will not show because he can cover that up with his humor. They are also deeply emotional and if a Cancer sheds tears be assured that the tears are flowing from the deepest rivers of his heart and are not crocodile tears.
There are some general physical traits associated with the Cancer sign. People born under the influence of this sign have two basic physical features. The first one are people who have a handsome round face, soft skin, a wide grinning mouth and almost circular eyes. The second ones are the more common ones with the crab look. They are very expressive and show a wide range of emotions ranging from joy, despair, sorrow and passion.
There are other interesting character traits of the Cancer sign. If they want to achieve something, they may not go after it directly and in a straight forward way. What he will generally do is go around the place in all directions but never straight. When he sees that he is losing grip over what he wants, at that point he may attack it ferociously. If you need help and you
have a Cancerian friend be assured that there are chances that she might help you with all her might. They are soft hearted and when it comes to generosity and giving they will put their best foot forward. A Cancer will always rescue a person at the last moment. The typical Cancerian always calculates his decisions and learns from his experiences. So, if he helps someone he will ensure that there is a guarantee of his financial security and the money does not go to waste. They are never secure and keep piling up money for their needs.
The Crab has a touch of madness and he may explode into laughter by imaging something that happened in his childhood. Famous Cancer personalities are John D. Rockefeller, Louis Armstrong and Ernest Hemmingway.